How to Install Gnome 3.6 GUI and Gnome Shell Extensions on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
For Ubuntu Desktop Users especially with Unity GUI. This instructions can be used on other Ubuntu Linux Distro versions.
(Note: For this event you may need an internet connection, in case of need to install or download available updates on your Ubuntu OS.)
If so happen you are bored or tired looking at the Unity GUI of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Desktop, or trying out the new Gnome 3 GUI, then this tips/guide might help you.
Open your Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following commands or just copy and paste below commands.
1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
(Note: Need to input the Administrator password (such as your account) to proceed the installation)
Just to be sure you need to reboot your computer for the necessary changes and updates. Upon login screen click the small Ubuntu icon next to login name, this will give you additional options for the Gnome and other Ubuntu GUI environment.
Give it a try, choose the first option (Gnome) or you can choose other Ubuntu GUI Shell.
The good thing about new releases of Gnome 3 comes with great features, like Gnome 3 Shell extensions.
You can add Gnome Shell extensions via internet web browser (Firefox will do a great job!).
Visit the Gnome Shell Extensions website – to see the updated list of GNOME3 Shell extensions. Click one of the following extensions and in order to install or enable it, just toggle button “ON”. Switching ON/OFF toggle button gives you an option to enable or disable the said gnome shell extensions. To view your own list of installed shell extensions click here.
Another thing is install Gnome Tweak Tool:
sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
Reboot afterwards the installation for more effective results. This allows you to tweak and manage your own Gnome shell extensions. You can find this tweak tool via searching for Advanced Settings or Gnome Tweak Tool.
Recommended Shell Extensions: (You can add follow this recommended or make your own list of installed Gnome Shell Extensions)
Alternative Status Menu Extension
Alternate-Tab Extension
Application-Menu Extension
Dock Extension
Native-Windows-Placement Extension
Places Status Indicator Extension
Removable-Device Extension
System Monitor Extension
User-Theme Extension
Workplace Indicator Extension
What’s new on Gnome 3 (getting around): Besides its User Interface, I managed to navigate between workspaces via pressing Ctrl-Alt (Up/Down) Arrow Keys. The more you used other workspaces it automatically expands and remove other workspaces if it’s not needed. Very much happy moving to Gnome (in my opnion) because I can quickly search apps and response more quickly in the default Unity GUI of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Desktop.
(Note: Ubuntu (Unity, GNOME, Shell Extensions and Applications) Logo/Images/Pictures has a respective copyright. I used it for demonstration purpose only.)
Related Entries / Links / Sources / Articles / Sources:
Ubuntu Official Site
Gnome Shell Extensions – Official Site