
Google and Nestle partnership officially announce – say hello to Android 4.4 KitKat version

Many speculate or spread rumors about the name of the next Android version. Google finally announced the next version of the Android version, say hello to the new family of Android OS/Version – Android 4.4 KitKat. Since the names of the recent OS/Version of Android were like candies, cakes, chocolates and sort of sweet desserts (namely: Astro, Bender, 1.5 Cupcake, 1.6 Donut, 2.1 Éclair, 2.2 Froyo, 2.3.x Gingerbread, 3.x.x Honeycomb, 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.1 Jelly Bean respectively). As for everybody loves chocolate treats, they name it KitKat (The chocolate coated wafer bar, that you buy on Supermarkets or chocolate stores.), in which Google and Nestle joined partnership to launch the next Android version.


Android 4.4 KitKatAndroid 4.4 KitKat

Images from the Nestle Official Website – from the left: SPECIAL PRIZES: More than 50 million Android-branded KitKat bars will be available / from the right: LIMITED EDITION: A small number of Android robot-shaped KitKat bars will also be offered as prizes
Android 4.4 KitKat

Image from the Android Official Website

What is an Android OS?
Android OS is an operating system for mobile devices (such as smart phones and tablet pc/computers). Android OS is developed by the Open Handset Alliance led by Google. Android’s kernel is a fork of the Linux Kernel, and the said architecture has further changes made by Google. Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services for security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and to the software stack(s). – click here for more info


Related Links / Articles / Entries / References / Sources:
What is Android OS –
Google and Nestle announce Android KitKat – Official Site
Android – Official Site
Android – KitKat – Official Site

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5 thoughts on “Incoming New Android 4.4 KitKat Version”
  1. hi author do you have sample screenshots on android 4.4 kitkat? i would like to see it in action 🙂

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