
Samsung Galaxy Gear, Sony SmartWatch SW2 and Qualcomm TOQ Specs Comparison

As the spread and fast pace of technology such as gadgets on the local market, Mobile companies innovating tech gadgets into new category of devices. As of the IFA 2013 Consumer Electronics Trade Fair at Berlin, Germany open doors to the public, one thing catches the consumers attention is the new device like SmartWatch.

Galaxy Gear, Sony SW2 and Qualcomm Toq Specs ComparisonGalaxy Gear, Sony SW2 and Qualcomm Toq Specs ComparisonGalaxy Gear, Sony SW2 and Qualcomm Toq Specs Comparison

Speaking of Smartwatch, Samsung reveals it’s Galaxy Gear, while Sony has SmartWatch SW2, and came along with the release of Qualcoom Toq Smartwatch. Which is better? Let’s slices it down into pieces.

For more comprehensive specs: Sony SmartWatch SW2 (click here), Qualcomm Toq Smartwatch (click here), and Samsung Galaxy Gear (click here).

Galaxy Gear Smartwatch Sony SmartWatch SW2 Qualcomm Toq
Display 1.63 inch Super AMOLED 1.6″ Transreflexive LCD 1.55″ Mirasol color display
(320 x 320) – (277 ppi) (220 x 176) – (176 ppi) (288 x 192) – (223 ppi)
Processor 800 MHz processor Exynos 200MHz ARM Cortex M3 200MHz ARM Cortex M3
Camera 1.9 Megapixel BSI Sensor, N/A N/A
Auto Focus Camera /
Sound & Shot
Wi-Fi N/A N/A N/A
Bluetooth ver. 4.0 LE ver. 3.0 ver. 4.0
NFC N/A NFC compatible N/A
Speakers Integrated Speaker N/A N/A
Memory 4GB Internal memory N/A N/A
+ 512 MB (RAM)

Dimension 36.8 x 56.6 x 11.1 mm, 41.6 x 41.1 x 9 mm, 43.3 x 56.6 x 47.6 mm,
Weight 73.8g 122.5 g 90.7 g
Resistant N/A IP57 water resistant N/A
resistant N/A scratch resistant scratch resistant
Battery Li-ion 315mAh, Low usage 5-6 days Battery life up to 3 days
Normal usage 1-2 days Typical usage, 3-4 days
Compatibility Samsung Galaxy devices Android 4.0 and up Android 4.0.3 and up
Android 4.3 Compatible to any Compatible to any Android

As for the summary of the data;
For Processor: Galaxy Gear wins on this category for having 800 Mhz versus 200 Mhz over (SW2 and TOQ).
For Display: Galaxy Gear wins on this category for having high resolution, higher ppi.
For Camera: Obviously it’s Galaxy Gear.
For Connectivity: Galaxy Gear has advantage over Bluetooth for the latest release, meanwhile, having NFC of Sony SmartWatch SW2 is a plus. So having said it, a wireless connectivity to connect on Android Devices (whether it’s a Tablet or Smartphone), Sony SmartWatch wins on this category.
Speakers: Obviously it’s Galaxy Gear.
For Memory: Obviously it’s Galaxy Gear.
For Dimension/Weight: Galaxy Gear wins in this division.
For Battery Life: Sony SmartWatch and Qualcomm Toq wins on this category.
Protection Glass: Sony SmartWatch wins on this category.

So that’s it. Everything slices up in here, and hopefully this helps you to know which is better for you. Fair enough? Kindly drop a comment/message on what you prefer and share something you might want to add on the topic. 🙂

(Disclosure: Samsung Galaxy Gear, Sony SmartWatch SW2, Qualcomm Toq Info/Logo/Images/Pictures has a respective copyright. We used it for demonstration purpose only.)

If something in your mind to comment or suggest, please let us know. In our efforts to provide detailed information, there is possibility of inaccurate contents. If you see any mistake or incomplete in our information, please don’t hesitate to tell us. We will fix it immediately as soon as possible.


Related Links / Articles / Entries / References / Sources:
Samsung GALAXY Gear Smartwatch – Gallery, Specifications, Features, Overview, Availability and Price by Jcyberinux
Sony SmartWatch SW2 – Gallery, Specifications, Features, Overview, Availability and Price by Jcyberinux
Qualcomm Toq Smartwatch – Gallery, Specifications, Features, Overview, Availability and Price by Jcyberinux

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