How to Enable or Turn on Automatic Logon of the User Account on Windows 7/Vista
by: Revengsky Joseph D. Reyes (a.k.a. rjdreyes –
1. Click Windows Button then type on search box: netplwiz
or Press Window Key + R to launch Run. Then type netplwiz or control userpasswords2
Note: If UAC is enabled, then you’ll get a UAC prompt on screen. Please specify credentials or permission to pass the UAC elevation.
2. Select a user account from the list.
3. Uncheck the checkbox “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.“ and then click Apply.
4. An Automatically Log On Dialog prompt will appear, you need to put your password on it. Then click OK. Restart your computer to see the results.
If the above method doesn’t work when it should be, you can simply follow this hack procedure on registry.
1. Press Window Key + R to launch Run. Then type regedit
2. At Registry Editor. Browse in at :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
3. Winlogon folder contents shown, go to and double-click DefaultUserName. Edit the value data and input the user account. Click OK afterwards.
Note: If you don’t have the DefaultUserName entry, you can create it, On Registry Editor Menu, click Edit, then New, and click to String Value.
Otherwise, right-click on the folder of WinLogon or in the contents, then choose New, then String Value.
Edit the name New Value #1 and type DefaultUserName.
4. Now go to and double-click DefaultPassword. Edit the value data and input the user account password. Click OK afterwards.
Note: If you don’t have the DefaultPassword entry, you can create it, you follow the instructions posted on previous step (3).
5. Then go to and double-click AutoAdminLogon. Edit the value data and type 0 (1 – means true, which activates automatic logon, 0 – means false, which deactivates automatic logon).
Note: If you don’t have the AutoAdminLogon entry, you can create it, you follow the instructions posted on previous step (3).
6. After all are cleared and setup, try to restart your computer and see if it’s Automatic Logon to your User Account.
How to deactivate the auto logon? Simple. You can reverse the process of this tutorial. 🙂
Try to explore its usages, then comment here if you found one interesting to share.
That’s all! I hope this guide and tips helps you out! Cheers! 😀
(Note: Microsoft(Windows 7 / Vista OS) Logo/Images/Pictures has a respective copyright. I used it for demonstration purpose only.)
Related Entries / Links / Sources / Articles / Sources:
How to Disable Automatic Logon of the User Account on Windows 7/Vista
How to turn on automatic logon in Windows 7 – Microsoft Community Forum – Official Site